Bootshausfest 2018


Our "Nature" programmes are united by the idea that you don't necessarily need a sports hall, gym or dance hall to do sport.
Bootshausfest 2018
Image: Thomas Fritsche


Our offers in the area of "Nature" all unite the idea that you don't necessarily need a sports hall, a gym or a dance hall to do sports. The nature in and around Jena and in selected destinations in the most beautiful natural areas of Germany, Austria and Switzerland offers us enough space to carry out sports activities and to take advantage of the fresh air and the beautiful landscape.

The "Nature" section includes three categories; outdoor and water sports, sports camps and team training. In addition to sports activities, all categories have a certain experience factor. This experience factor strengthens the community and creates a positive group feeling. In the area of "Nature", social togetherness is very important to us. Here you do not only do sports, here you find friends!


Since the three categories mentioned above have quite different objectives, we would like to make a brief explanation here:

Outdoor- und Watersport:

In the area of "Outdoor and Water Sports" we offer the possibility to do sports in and around Jena. Whether canoeing, mountain biking, slacklining or running, the sports experience in nature is absolutely in the foreground. You learn the sport from the beginning and then have the opportunity to deepen what you have learned.

Ideally, you will remain loyal to the sport and can continue to practice it regularly, for example in the USV Jena or self-organized.

Our offers in the area of WatersportsExternal link

Sport Camps

The sports camps in the university sports give you the opportunity to do sports in the most beautiful nature in Germany and Europe and to take a vacation from everyday life. The sports that we offer in our camps mostly have a certain adventure aspect. Whether rock climbing in Saxon Switzerland, white water in the Steiermark (Styria) or skiing in Switzerland, the experiences will not be forgotten so quickly. Of course, our camps are also a social meeting place, where friendships are formed that last beyond your studies.

Our offers in the area of Sport CampsExternal link

Team Training

We offer outdoor and team training with experiential education content. Whether on land, water or in the air, experiences in every element are possible. The trainings are composed of the three main factors experience, community and nature. We design our offers for groups that want to experience something together. Faculties, departments, institutes, departments of the USV or just a group of friends. Clubs, families, sports teams or school classes, we are happy to cater to individual wishes and put together a special program, because every person and every group is unique! Problems in the group can be solved through joint actions.

Zu den Angeboten im Bereich Teamtraining de


Holger Ludewig

Universitätssportzentrum, Room 110
Oberaue 1
07749 Jena

Opening hours:
nach Vereinbarung