In over 50 course concepts, we would like to be a reliable partner in matters of health for the entire population of Jena. In doing so, we rely on the most versatile offer possible and a number of funding opportunities through your health insurance company.
Image: Mariiaa/Shutterstock.comBackFit, Functional Whole-Body Strengthening, CircleFit, Fascia Training, Sensorimotor Strength Training
- Yoga, Pilates, Qigong, Taiji and much more
- Our Health & Fit offers are reimbursed by all statutory health insurance companies up to 80 – 100 %! More info under Support!
Our offers in the area of Health & FitExternal link
Yoga Close Up
Image: Fotolia/Africa Studio- Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, Kneipp, water application, laughter training, Taiji, Shiatsu
- Workshops, Retreats, Events and much more
- All Body & Mind offers are 100 % supported by the Techniker Krankenkasse!
Image: AOKSpecial regulations apply to AOK Plus (Saxony, Thuringia) in the area of Health & Fit:
- 1) Twice a year, you will receive a voucher directly from the AOK, which you can hand in to the training instructor. This voucher covers 100 % of the course fee!
- 2) You use the digital, paperless option of BOOK NOW (without voucher) via YUBLE.External link
Logo of Techniker Krankenkasse
Image: Techniker KrankenkasseBody & Mind Courses
Those insured with Techniker Krankenkasse also receive special support for these courses! Those insured with Techniker Krankenkasse will be reimbursed the entire course fee if they participate in at least 80 percent of the course. This applies to two courses per year! Your personal certificate of attendance is sufficient for this.
Do you have questions for Techniker Krankenkasse? Here you will find your answer: Contact
Seidelstraße 20a
07749 Jena
Office hours:
Mittwoch 13:00 bis 14:30 Uhr (Büro)
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