Boxen Fotolia


The way of the warrior
Boxen Fotolia
Image: Fotolia/Dangubic


To measure one's strength in direct duel, even to solve conflicts, is as old as mankind. It seems to be a primal need within us. That is probably why martial arts are still so popular. We offer courses in Aikido, Boxing, Capoeira, Karate Do, Ken Jutsu, Kickboxing, Kobudo, Kung Fu, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Ju Jutsu, Fencing, Modern Self Defense (MSD), Tae Kwon Do (TKD) and Self Defense for Women (SV).

To our offers in martial artsExternal link


Depending on the need, martial arts are trained with different orientations, either as a combat sport, martial art or self-defense.

The martial artists are concerned with improving their athletic performance and comparing themselves with other athletes in competition. They train the fighting technique to perfect themselves mentally and physically. The success in the competition is not in the foreground. They live and train according to the principle "The way is the goal".

Self-defender train for the need of safety. They want to be put in a position to be able to defend themselves in the event of an attack on themselves, on others or even on property. They practice the behavior in different scenarios of a possible self-defense situation. Techniques from all fighting systems are used. It is possible to practice each fighting style under one of the three aspects.


In order to satisfy the different needs, we carry out different weekend events. There is the MMA weekend (Mixed Martial Arts). There, representatives of different fighting styles meet to try out their fighting technique in a free, friendly sparring.

Another highlight is the weekend of Asian martial arts (WAK). The trainers of our university sports courses present their martial arts. At this workshop everyone has the opportunity to get to know the different styles and also to try them out right away.

For the ambitious competitor there is the possibility to participate in the competitions of the ADH. We organize the Central German University Judo Championship every year. In addition, there is the possibility to use the numerous competitions of the corresponding sports association through a membership in the university sports club. Highlight for our martial arts family is the spring festival of our Dojo. Inspired by the Japanese cherry blossom festival we celebrate in our Dojo. In different events, starting by a small Budo show, taster training, Ikebana, Origami up to the common grill an interesting program for all age groups is offered.

Tino Berg

Universitätssportzentrum, Room 120
Oberaue 1
07745 Jena

Opening hours:
Donnerstag 16:00 bis 17:30 Uhr