Annett’s favourite recipe

Knoblauchgrün für Liebhaber

Garlic scapes for garlic enthusiasts

Every garlic fan loves the mature white garlic bulbs that can be harvested at the end of summer. But we still have to wait a while until then, because the bulbs first have to develop and gain ‘mass’.

Too long a wait? —No problem! My tip for the spring: Garlic is particularly tasty right now, when the whole plant is used! You can eat the tender little garlic bulbs as well as the garlic scapes. The scapes are super tender at this time and not quite as intense in taste and smell as the mature garlic cloves.

Try it with a salad or any other dish! Enjoy!

Dr Annett Bauer is responsible for the planning, implementation and development of events at the University Sports Centre and coordinator for the area ‘Group Fitness’. You can read more about her hereExternal link.