Volunteer 3

Federal Voluntary Service

Experience one year the everyday life and the challenges of the association work with all its facets.
Volunteer 3
Image: Christoph Worsch

Sports enthusiasts who want to gain practical experience in a sports organization after leaving school can take the option of a Federal Volunteer Service (BFD) or a Voluntary Social Year (FSJ). This gives an insight into the various tasks of the office, e.g. the administration of the association members, communication with members and participants, postal organization, and much more. In addition, according to the interests and strengths, you can also involve yourself in other areas like public relations and event management. Educationally supervised, the FSJ and the BFD offer an orientation year for the acquisition of personal and sport-technical competencies.

In order to support the office of the USV Jena, two vacancies in the field of Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) or Federal Voluntary Service (BFD) will be advertised. The posts cover 40 hours per week for applicants under the age of 26. Applicants over the age of 26 may also be offered positions of 20.5 or 30 hours per week.

Tasks include:

  • Organization of the office (post office, minutes etc.)
  • contact to members and participants
  • Office hours in the office
  • Supervision of the sports facilities of the USV

Further potential areas of application:

  • Event planning and organization
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Public relations (social media, homepage, club magazine etc.)
  • Maintenance and further development of sports facilities and sports materials

It is important to be willing to work in the evenings and at weekends. In addition, you should have advanced computer knowledge, experiences in the Office applications: Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as expertise in handling of new media. Good communication skills and teamwork are further prerequisites for working in the university sports club. Also desirable are experiences in the field of trainers/instructors (please attach any licenses in copy).

The FSJ and the BFD in sport represent a year of education and orientation that is accompanied by pedagogy and opens up spaces of experience for volunteers. The acquisition of personal competences and sports licenses as well as professional and commitment orientation are the focus. If you are interested or if you know interested persons, we look forward to receiving applications:

Universitätssportverein Jena e.V.

Oberaue 1
07745 Jena