Convention ÜL

Become a coach

Train Jena!
Convention ÜL
Image: Christoph Worsch

Instructor in university sports

As one of the largest leisure and health sport providers in Thuringia, we – as a union of the university sport of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Jena University Sports Association – rely on a team of motivated persons who work as trainers and instructors in the sports business or as service personnel, the contact point for the interests of participants and members. As an instructor you can inspire others with your sport, gain practical experience and earn money. The quality of our offers on the one hand and your individual development are important to us. That's why, as part of the Unisport team, we're sponsoring you with a qualifying grant.

We are looking for you!

If you are interested in offering a sports course, please download the following formExternal link [pdf 434 KB]. Fill it out and send it directly to Paul Schubert.

For some areas we are also looking for instructors. Just visit the homepage regularly or even easier: subscribe to our Instagram AccountExternal link

Benefits for instructors

Turn your hobby into a profession

As an instructor in university sports, you can inspire others with your sport, gain additional practical experience, develop yourself personally in a professional environment and earn a living. The best thing about it is that working for us fits in perfectly with student life, because it's easy to combine studies, a part-time job and a hobby.


All exercise leaders receive the UNISPORT Card with all its benefits for free! With it, you can attend all UNISPORT Card courses for free, use our indoor and outdoor fitness areas for free and book other sports courses at a discount.

Free entry to events

University Sports Week, Yoga and Music Festival, Dance Festival and much more. As an exercise instructor, you can actively participate in the life of Unisport and take part in our events free of charge. 

Support for further education and training

Your individual development is important to us!

As part of your commitment as an exercise instructor in university sport, we will support you in acquiring training licences with up to €200.00 over a period of four semesters. In the area of Fit & Health, your training costs will even be covered in full.

Licensed exercise instructors generally receive a higher payment for course instruction. 

First Aid Certificate

Something can happen quickly during a course: a twisted foot, a small laceration. To ensure that our instructors can react quickly and competently, the University Sports Department organises refresher and basic courses with an emphasis on sports injuries in cooperation with an external partner. The costs for these courses are borne by the university sports department.

No obligation to register with the tax office 

You do not have to register with the tax office to work for us as a self-employed person. Instead, your work as a trainer is eligible for an honorary work allowance (up to 3,000 euros per year). This means that you can give sports courses without any additional bureaucratic effort and enjoy a fair remuneration.

Denise Alkewitz - Übungsleitermanagement

Oberaue 1
07745 Jena

Opening hours:
by arrangement