Winter Fitness Day
watermark — vertical, differently transparent stripes form a teardrop shape, the tip of which points to the bottom left

Cooperation with Unisport

Again and again, the SGM cooperates with Unisport to imitate and implement movement-promoting projects
Winter Fitness Day
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

UNISPORT Card two months free of charge!

In cooperation with the Student Health ManagementExternal link of the University of Jena, the University Sports Department of the University of Jena has launched two great offers to make your start into the new phase of your life easier. The offer is valid for all students of the University of Jena who have enrolled for the summer semester 23.

One free month is financed by the Student Health Management with its cooperation partner, the AOK Plus, the other month is donated by the University Sports.

The UNISPORT Card two months free for you!

The UNISPORT Card is a card that allows you to use all fitness areas and many sports courses without additional costs. If you sign up for the UNISPORT Card during the winter semester, you will receive two months of the UNISPORT Card for free!

The booking starts on 09.10.2023. You can find the link to the booking and further information here de.

Challenge “Traveling together in March”

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Als es wegen der Corona-Beschränkungen im März 2021 nicht gut möglich war, weite Reisen zu unternehmen, ist das SGM kreativ geworden: Gemeinsam mit dem Unisport gab es eine kostenfreie „Aktivreise“ rund um Thüringen bis nach Tokyo. Die Idee war dabei, zu Fuß (Wandern oder Joggen) so viele Weiten- und Höhenkilometer zu sammeln, um diese Strecke zurückzulegen. Mitmachen konnte jede:r – ob jung oder alt, Professor:in oder Studierende:r.

Mittels Fitnessuhr, Handy-Schrittzähler oder App wurden Entfernungen und Höhenkilometer verfolgt und anschließend an SGM und Unisport gesendet. Regelmäßig gab es über Instagramkanäle und E-Mails Infos zum erreichten Standort der großen digitalen Reisegruppe - und am Ende wurde ermittelt, wer die meisten Kilometer gesammelt hat.

Die Outdoor-Challenge konnte als Einzelperson, Gruppe, Familie oder Mannschaft gemeistert werden.

Digital Active Break (DAB) 

Image: DAB

Active breaks are very important for long-term health as well as concentration - even if you only have a little time. The DAB team at the University of Jena provides you with various exercises for activation and movement, concentration and relaxation on its website, which can also be done in under 5 minutes in the home office or between lectures. The SGM supported this personnel/financially in order to be able to provide you with the most diverse and broadest range of offers possible.

Movement for the body - relaxation for the eyes

Dein AudioCoach
Dein AudioCoach
Image: Universität Jena

With the “AudioMove” podcast of Unisport Jena, we give you exercises and tips for an active everyday life. We want to motivate you to become active while listening and discover diverse movement possibilities.

Step by step, we guide you through mindfulness exercises, give you yoga sequences or let you sweat at our sports facilities. Let’s bring more movement into your everyday life together!

You can easily subscribe to our podcast on Spotify and iTunes or experience it directly at our Health Area via QR code

ABC Challenge

Bike Challenge Jena
Bike Challenge Jena
Image: ABC Team

The university sports center and we from the Student Health Management and the Sports Department of the StuRa were part of the ABC Challenge in June 2021! Valuable kilometers were collected for our university, your discipline - either individually or with your self-assembled team! Whether in your free time or on your way to university. All trips by bicycle or pedelec count - everywhere and worldwide.

All students and employees of the University of Jena could participate. The ABC ran from June 1st to June 30th, 2021.