watermark — vertical, differently transparent stripes form a teardrop shape, the tip of which points to the bottom left

Health survey for students 2021

We care about your health!
Image: Jana Kampe

In order to be able to adapt the health services of the University of Jena even better to your needs and wishes as students, there was a survey for students in cooperation with the Chair of Work, Industrial and Organizational Psychology in spring 2022: How is your health, how does Corona affect you, what needs and wishes do you have?

We use the results to tailor our offerings to your needs. The survey will be repeated in summer 2024 and will also be conducted regularly in the future to capture changes and to measure whether we are implementing the right activities in the SGM and whether we are implementing them in the right way (summative and formative evaluation). By the way, this survey is also conducted for employees of the University of Jena.