watermark — vertical, differently transparent stripes form a teardrop shape, the tip of which points to the bottom left

Refil stations

Refil stations in the campus building (Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3) are now available to all students and employees.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Drinking water fountains in the campus building (Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3) are now available to all students and employees.

The SGM not only has the “Tap Water Friendly” award from the non-profit organization atip:tapExternal link, but also advocates for drinking water fountains at at least three pilot locations at the University of Jena. Our refil stations are located in the campus building (Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3) and in dining hall "Ernst-Abbe-Platz". Thanks to the refill stations, you can refill your water bottles again and again, don’t have to buy water at the supermarket and also do something good for the environment.


In order to be able to continuously improve and expand our health-promoting infrastructure, we place great value on the evaluation of our offerings. Click here External linkfor the evaluation of the refill stations.

Installation von Trinkwasserbrunnen

The German Nutrition Society e. V.External link recommends that adults drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Various factors such as sports, heat or illness can significantly increase the need!

Summer is coming and you find water too bland? How about an “Infused Water”. Whether lemon, cucumber or mint - vegetables, fruits and herbs give water a pleasant aroma. Simply pour fresh water over it, let it steep and enjoy. Our favorite for home office: fresh mint, lemon slices and ginger. Especially in stressful situations or when working with focus, we often forget to drink. Therefore we have created a short Drink What(ter)! checklist for you:

Drink What(ter)! Checklist

  • Put water within reach
  • Prepare daily amount
  • Drink regularly What(ter), also before and with meals
  • Are you on the go? Pack a drinking bottle!

Drink What(ter)! on the go

Here External linkyou can find refill stations in Jena

The Competence Center for Health-PromotingExternal link Universities has published an additional rating on drinking behavior among students based on data from the drinking study “Drink What(ter), Germany!” by Techniker Krankenkasse. Here you will find interesting data and facts.

Here External linkyou can find more information about the organization atip:tap and a number of interesting facts about tap water.