Like the university, university sports are characterized by their local and regional ties, but also by their international commitment.
Together with the university sports club, university sports are one of the largest recreational sports facilities in Thuringia. This results in responsibility for the local sports landscape, which is due to good cooperation with the sports institutions of the city such as the city sports federation and the sports office as well as on state level with the national sports federation and of course the Thuringian sports clubs.
In addition, as a member of the Thuringian University Sports Federation, as chairman of the regional conference Nordost of the German Sports Federation and as member of the European Network of Academic Sports Services (ENAS), the club contributes significantly to the development of regional and European university sports development.
"Sport connects" – this motto applies to university sports not only for international networking but also for its commitment on the ground. It supports the 3000 international students of the university with special counseling services during the welcome days, organizes, together with the International Bureau, a sports buddy program to facilitate access to sports facilities and offers special sports courses for international students, such as swimming courses.